Dear all,
On behalf of the GPR Monitoring and Project Preparation Unit of the City of Łódź, Office for Revitalisation and Housing, we would like to invite you to an online workshop on temporary urbanism.
In entire Europe, there is a growing demand for the temporary development and use of different places, especially regarding the connection with revitalisation measures, the mitigation and adaptation of cities to climate change, and the circular economy. Abandoned buildings, undeveloped, and unused spaces become places for temporary activities, places for testing their possibilities, prototyping future functions. Unfortunately, the implementation of such use is sometimes difficult, e.g. due to unclear legal conditions or administrative barriers.
On 6 May, as part of the T-factor project, of which the Łódź City is a partner, a webinar entitled “Regulations Allowing Temporary Uses” will be held. Experts from various European cities will take part in this event in order to discuss instruments, processes, and methods supporting temporary urban planning. It will be an injection of expert and practical knowledge.
You can register for this webinar today – places are limited!
This event is in English.