The Workshop was attended by the representatives of the cities with the SRZs (Płock, Włocławek, Kalisz, Łódź, Bytom, Opole Lubelskie), as well as the representatives of a foundation dealing with energy efficiency (FPE), Ministry of Climate, National URBACT Point, Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IRMiR), Energy Conservation Foundation (FPE), Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.,) including experts from Insar – urban office which is attending to conceptual and planning duties for municipalities, regions, public and private organisations, Dr. Kay Pöhler from KfW Bank, which is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. The KfW has been committed to improving economic, social and environmental living conditions across the globe on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the federal states.
In the first part of the workshop, focused on the International Perspective, experts from the INSAR presented various design solutions for different districts of the German cities taking into account the following issues:
- Rehabilitation of historic squares (marketplaces)
- Rehabilitation of riverfronts in historic cities
- Climate adaption and heritage conservation: Blue and green infrastructure in historic districts
- From traffic infrastructure to mobility: Facilitation of changes in mobility planning
- Challenges and formats for communication and participation in urban revitalisation processes
Meanwhile, the representatives of Polish cities (Włocławek, Opole lubelskie, Płock, Bytom) presented design solutions within their Special Revitalisation Zones.
In the next part of the workshop Dr. Kay Pöhler from KfW Bank presented German experiences in financing energy-efficient revitalisation of urban areas.
The last part was the workshop was conducted with the participation of the cities with the SRZs (Płock, Włocławek, Kalisz, Łódź, Bytom, Opole Lubelskie), as well as the representatives of the FPE, foundation dealing with energy efficiency (FPE) and the Ministry of Climate. It was devoted to good practices related to energy efficiency in the SRZs and consisted of two rounds:
- How to define the rules for granting subsidies to promote private refurbishments in the Special Revitalisation Zones?
- How to define the rules for granting subsidies to promote the improvement of energy efficiency of refurbished buildings in the Special Revitalisation Zones?
Please find below-attached Summary of the 26th February workshop: “Toolkit: What do cities with the Special Revitalisation Zones advise other cities in Poland where SRZs is still being planned?”