Period of revitalisation activities implementation
In Wloclawek, revitalisation measures have been implemented for many years. Since 2009, the changes revitalisation area was based on the “Local Revitalisation Programme of the City of Wloclawek until 2015” adopted by the Resolution of the Council of the City of Wloclawek. At that time, the revitalisation area covered over 270 ha of city land where actions were carried out to improve public spaces and urban facilities, air quality, safety, and social activation. A number of activities were carried out with financial support from EU funds, including:
– redevelopment of the Green Square, one of the oldest and most valuable areas of the city in historical and cultural terms,
– Development of Wloclawek Boulevards through the construction of a walking promenade along the Vistula River with lighting, greenery, a playground, small architecture, and a car park,
– revitalisation of degraded post-industrial buildings of the historic Brewery for the cultural function of “Brewery B. Cultural Centre”,
– elimination of low emissions in the Old Town area of Włocławek through the construction of a section of modern heat network and installation of heat distribution centres
– Modernisation and extension of the video surveillance system in the revitalised Downtown area,
– redevelopment of the Old Market Square consisting of the reconstruction of the surface of the historic Old Market Square together with the technical infrastructure, arrangement of greenery and reconstruction of the surrounding streets,
– reconstruction of the surface of 5 streets, a car park, pavements, lighting, construction of cycle lanes, a stormwater drainage system, and a power grid,
– redevelopment of the historic Old Fire Station building for cultural and social purposes,
– redevelopment of the Theatre building and raising the standard and availability of cultural services,
– conversion of the building into a Centre for Non-Governmental Organisations,
– Development and dissemination of active integration among people at risk of social exclusion, stimulation of life and professional aspirations, strengthening of faith in own abilities,
– professional and social activation of people at risk of social exclusion through establishing a Social Integration Club and undertaking activities in the field of professional and social reintegration of people at risk of social exclusion.
The total value of completed projects for changes in the revitalisation area amounted to over PLN 100 million, of which almost PLN 62.5 million were funds obtained from the European Union budget.
The diagnosis of the city of Włocławek conducted in 2015 and 2016, taking into account the spatial distribution of the analysed phenomena, demonstrated the need to continue revitalisation activities and to limit them to the area distinguished by a high concentration of negative social phenomena, as well as economic, environmental, technical and functional-spatial phenomena. The revitalisation area designated in the Resolution of the Council of the City of Wloclawek covers 42.7 ha of the city area which is the oldest part of Wloclawek of significant importance to local development.
“Local Revitalisation Programme of the City of Włocławek until 2015”
Resolution No. XXXV/337/09 of the City Council of Włocławek of 18 November 2009 :
Characteristics of the revitalisation area problems
• Social sphere
In the area there is a strong concentration of negative social phenomena, especially poverty and unemployment as well as low education level of the unemployed. According to the inhabitants of the revitalisation area, the local specificity of the source of the problem of unemployment and poverty in the revitalisation area of Wloclawek should be associated with the collapse of local enterprises in the last decades, in which many of the city’s inhabitants used to work. Other negative social phenomena such as crime, low level of education, and insufficient level of participation in public and cultural life are both the effects of growing up and living in a degraded area, and the causes of deepening degradation. The fact that people with similar problems live in the same area also results in the transmission of models connected with the inheritance of poverty, brought from the environment in which young people grow up, with the simultaneous absence of different models. At the same time, there is a low level of feeling of security among the inhabitants of the area, as well as a definitely higher rate of interventions reported to the City Guard in the revitalisation area than in the entire city. The crisis situation of the revitalisation area is aggravated by the fact that young adults are starting to move out of the area and the downtown area is no longer attractive even as a city center. A big problem of the revitalisation area is also the lack of occupation and alternatives for pathological behavior, the lack of appropriate people, social leaders, who could pass on a different model to the inhabitants.
In addition to the unemployment problem, the revitalisation area residents lack motivation and readiness to change their life situation. This also translates into the lack of support for children in school and growing up, and strengthens the syndrome of learned helplessness and inheriting poverty. Another disturbing fact is that the rate of interventions, reported to the municipal police, in the revitalisation area is definitely higher than for the entire city.
The most important identified social phenomena of the area are poverty, disability, helplessness regarding care, education presented in large families, inheritance of a passive attitude towards life and problems with paying rent.
• Spatial and functional sphere
The revitalisation area is the oldest, historical part of Wloclawek, situated along the bank of the Vistula River with characteristic boulevards constituting walking and recreational routes.
Currently, in the revitalisation area, there are 24 individual buildings as well as the area of the Old Town District, entered in the register of monuments of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. A characteristic place for recreation and relaxation is the Vistula boulevards with walking and cycling paths, greenery, numerous benches, and a playground. The state of public spaces and immediate surroundings of the residential buildings were badly assessed by the residents.
The Włocławek inhabitants use all available means of transport: cars, bicycles, public transport, motorbikes.
• Technical sphere
Over 50% of the buildings in the revitalisation area are in poor or medium technical condition, requiring a general renovation. In addition, at least 80% of the building requires current repair or renovation works. The conducted research has shown that poor technical condition and neglect are not limited to a few places or streets, but occur throughout the whole area. The residents confirm the analyses, pointing out that municipal tenement houses owned require thorough renovation to a large extent, which in the common parts (staircases) are too rare. In the “private” parts (flats) it is difficult to replace e.g. windows, and to a large extent, renovations have to be done by the tenants. Buildings have damaged roofs and walls, there is humidity and fungous problem in the flats.
The revitalisation area is equipped with all the necessary utilities: water, sewage and energy, but only some of the buildings have a connection or can be connected to the heating network. A similar situation applies to a connection to the gas network. Despite the fact that the revitalisation area is fully equipped with water and sewage infrastructure, its technical condition requires successive investments by the network administrator. The flats lack hot water, so most tenants use boilers or heaters. Some buildings have toilets located in the stairwells or in the courtyard. The respondents have paid attention to ugly and neglected yards, scattered litter, ruined staircases, lack of benches, little greenery, among others. The available public spaces are not conducive to spending free time there. Pathological forms of spending time are not uncommon, groups of residents, often young people, abusing alcohol can be found in the backyards and in the gates.
In the revitalisation area there are several public institutions, including: kindergartens (mainly private), schools (primary, higher), cultural institution, seat of non-governmental organisations, community center, day-care centre with a club for the mentally ill, offices, clinics specialising in oncology. In addition, there is a Catholic church in the area.
• Environmental sphere
The main environmental problem of the area is air pollution, which results, among others, from the fact that a significant part of the inhabitants use stoves in which they burn with products not intended for this purpose. In addition, car exhaust fumes and noise from relatively high traffic in the downtown area are a reported problem. The respondents notice that cars often dominate the space, as they stand on sidewalks, block passages, and generate noise.
Another area problem is the insufficient amount of greenery. Greenery in cities absorbs carbon dioxide and allows a partial reduction of hydrocarbon emissions released from fuel tanks. In addition, urban vegetation retains rainwater and creates shaded areas. The reasons for the insufficient amount of greenery in Śródmieście is primarily related to the fact that is the historical center of the city, distinguished by dense housing. The residents also emphasise the loss of greenery in the Old Market Square, which was rebuilt a few years ago. Some of the existing greenery requires urgent care treatments. In the remaining area, greenery is scarce, mainly in the form of single plantings, street greenery, or flower beds.
• Economic sphere
There is a large rotation of new stores in the city center. Only a few premises can be described as stable enterprises, have been operating on the market for several years. There are several reasons for this: replacement of small trade by supermarkets and shopping malls, which offer cheaper products than local grocery stores, as well as high rents that do not allow to maintain small businesses.
The most serious problems in the described area include a low level of entrepreneurship in the area, high concentration of “poverty enterprises”, weak demand caused by low household budgets, large number of empty commercial premises for rent, high rotation of retail outlets, low quality of space for business and insufficient tourist infrastructure.
Description of the revitalisation area development character
The revitalisation area is characterised by quarterly buildings with the centrally located 3 Maja Street, which at the same time constitutes a view axis connecting two squares: the Old Market, situated next to the Vistula River boulevards, and Wolności Square.
Almost the entire revitalisation area is protected in the register of monuments as the Old Town District. Historical objects are mainly tenement houses with outbuildings, multi-family buildings, religious and educational buildings, granaries.
In addition, a number of objects are protected on the basis of the municipal register of monuments. The entire revitalisation area is located in an area where the local zoning plan is in force.
Establishment & tools for Special Revitalisation Zone
- Date of establishing the SSR: 2019
- Area of the SSR: area of revitalisation designated by Resolution No. XXX / 44/2017 of the Włocławek City Council of March 27, 2017.
http://g.ekspert.infor.pl/p/_dane/akty_pdf/U76/2017/53/1552.pdf#zoom=90 - Tools indicated in the SSR: subsidies for construction works consisting in renovation or reconstruction, and for conservation and restoration works in buildings not entered in the register of monuments for owners or perpetual users of real estate located in the SSR
- Level of co-financing in the SSR:
- 50% “Investment with class” – only the common parts of the building, i.e. 1) comprehensive reconstruction of the building with renovation of structural elements and internal installations (actions aimed at removing the threat to life and property), 2) general renovation, with particular emphasis on the structural elements of the building and internal installations (activities aimed at removing the risk to life and property);
- 30% “Step-by-step renovation” – only the common parts of the building or service premises, i.e. 1) renovation of individual structural elements of the building and internal installations, 2) renovation or reconstruction of the service premises (sanitary unit, central heating, ventilation, electrical installation, floors, access for the disabled, external site);
- 30% “Site +” – development of the construction and graphic design of the site and advertising of the premises and its implementation;
- 50% “History pays off” – conservation and restoration works mentioned in art. 77 of the Act on the protection and care of monuments in relation to real estate not entered in the register of monuments.
- Procedure for the call of grants in the SRZ: the call for proposals is launched 14 days after the approval of the budget for the financial year concerned
- Deadline for submitting grant applications to SRZ: 1) Information on the intention to apply for a grant – from 30 June to 31 August of the year preceding the works 2) Every time specified in the call for applications.
- Composition of the evaluation committee: appointed by ordinance; composition: city hall staff and councilors representing all councilor clubs.
- Rules for the adjudication of the call for proposals for a grant in the SRZ: within 60 days of the closing date of the call for proposals, the committee shall evaluate the submitted applications and present a proposal for the award of a grant for a given budgetary year, taking into account the budgetary possibilities. If not all the funds allocated for grants in a given budget year have been allocated, the Mayor of Włocławek may announce an additional supplementary call for grant applications during the budget year. Information on the additional call for proposals should be announced to the public at least 30 days before the planned date of the call.
- Number of announced calls for applications: 4
- Number of subsidies awarded in individual calls: 2019 – 6, 2020 – 10, 2021 – 12, 2022 – 6
- Link to the resolution on the SSR:
http://g.ekspert.infor.pl/p/_dane/akty_pdf/U76/2019/62/2389.pdf - Link to the publication promoting the SSR prepared by the city: http://rewitalizacja.wloclawek.eu/info,specjalna_strefa_rewitalizacji,19.html