Period of revitalisation activities
In the Resolution of the Rumia City Council No. XXIV/241/2016 of May 19, 2016. (changed by Resolution No. XXV/246/2016 of June 30, 2016) on the designation of the degraded area and revitalisation area in the Municipality of the City of Rumia, three sub-areas of the revitalisation area were identified: Old Rumia, Zagórze, and Towarowa. According to Article 14 (3) of the Law on Revitalisation, in the case of the division of the revitalisation area into sub-areas, the Municipal Revitalization Program shall be developed according to sub-areas division.
In the resolution, preceded by public consultations on 12.04.2016. – 12.05.2016, it was decided that the entire degraded area in Rumia would be designated as a revitalization area. In total, the revitalization area accounts for 15.46% of the area of the Municipality of Rumia, which is less than 20% of the total area, and is inhabited by 13.33% of the total population.
Characteristics of the revitalisation area problems
- Social sphere
The in-depth diagnosis of the revitalisation area indicates the unemployment problem primarily in the Zagorze sub-area, while the small scale of the phenomenon in the other two sub-areas makes it possible to conclude that unemployment is not the dominant problem there. Closely related to unemployment is the poverty problem. The concentration of this problem is significant – according to data from the Municipal Social Aid Centre, among the families receiving benefits due to poverty, almost 26% reside in the revitalisation area. The Towarowa sub-area is often inhabited by families with many children, struggling with material problems at the moment. There is a large group of elderly people living in the Old Rumi 1 area, as well as people who have problems related to becoming independent and, despite their adult age, still live with their parents. This means that there is a need to remove barriers for these people to enter the job market and train in social skills. At the stage of the in-depth diagnosis (according to the Municipal Revitalisation Program) of the revitalization area, 9 entities from the NGO sector were identified, that actively operate in the revitalization area.
- Spatial and functional sphere
Each of the analysed sub-areas has its own characteristics regarding the spatial aspect. Stara Rumia 1 this is the recreation and sports area located along the Zagórska Struga and other public facilities in the area of Plac Kaszubski – church, primary school, market, MOSIR facilities. The rest of the sub-area is composed of single-family residential buildings with single service facilities, while the northern part of the sub-area is dominated by uninvested areas, some of which are reserved for construction by the ring road. In the spatial structure of Zagorze, there are a lot of multi-family residential buildings, while the spatial dominant of the area has become the Rumia Gallery. In the sub-area are located such public facilities as the City Hall, the District Complex of School and Rehabilitation Facilities, a church, and commercial facilities, including the Rumia Gallery, and the White Mansion Hotel. There are also a lot of single-family residential areas, which are mixed with multi-family housing estates. Markowca Hill area is very interesting due to its public space. This is an area of unmanaged greenery – an informal place of recreation due to its public nature and attractive location. The spatial structure of the Towarowa area is the complex of single-family residential buildings. Residential housing estates are equipment in new investments, but there is a lack of facilities like recreation public spaces to integrate residents.
- Technical sphere
Within the sub-areas of Old Rumia 1, Towarowa, and Zagórze, residential buildings, commercial facilities, and public utilities are being continuously renovated. Nevertheless, in individual sub-areas there are facilities that require modernization, adaptation to their function, or improvement of living/use conditions like municipal buildings located in Zagórze. As part of the construction work taking into account individual buildings, some of them have been modernized partly. However, these buildings require complex modernization, due to the improving living conditions, energy efficiency as well as improving aesthetics. Some of the facilities located in the Old Rumia 1 sub-area require modernization. Other building facilities, such as sports and recreational facilities, are in good condition, with the exception of sports facilities that require renovation.
- Environmental sphere
The land use structure is dominated by forest areas. They account for as much as 44% of the municipality’s area, while built-up and urbanized areas account for less than 30%, and agricultural land for 26%. Zagórze and Towarowa sub-areas are closely located in the Tri-City Landscape Park. The natural qualities of the Park make it an attractive tourist area. In the revitalisation area, there is the ecological corridor of the Zagórska Struga River, the Hill of Markowca, and monuments of nature (4 out of 29 Rumanian monuments of nature are located in the revitalisation area). Zagórska Struga runs through both the Zagórze sub-area and Old Rumia 1. The Hill of Markowca is located in Zagórze as a point of view of the Kashubian Proglacial Valley, the Gulf of Gdansk or the Oksywska Kępa terrain. One of the factors reducing the quality of life of residents is the high level of noise. It is caused by heavy traffic, especially by the national road No. 6. the Zagórze and Towarowa sub-areas are close located to a railroad track. In the Old Rumia 1 area there is a problem of air pollution. Air pollution in the Pomeranian zone is mainly anthropogenic origin pollution. The air pollution is caused by the heating of buildings (low emissions) – by individual heat sources, heat production, and industry emission, as well as by the traffic (linear emissions) – a high-traffic national road runs through the Zagórze sub-area.
- Economic sphere
Old Rumia 1 is a sub-area with a relatively good economic condition, and the level of entrepreneurship and job activity there is at a relatively high level. A high level of entrepreneurship can also be observed in Zagórze, unfortunately, the main problem there is the lack of stabilization of business activities. The Towarowa sub-area, is characterized by the lowest level of professional activity and entrepreneurship. In recent years, relatively few new business entities appear. Zagorze has the highest number of small stores. However, there is no manufacturing factory in the sub-area. the Towarowa subarea is rather dominated by warehouses, a coal depot, or an auto parts exchange point. Old Rumia 1 is a sub-area dominated by single-family housing, green areas, small service points, and few business activities.
Description of the building’s character in revitalisation area
The percentage of residential buildings built by 1968 or 1973 for each sub-area is respectively: Old Rumia – 45%, Zagórze – 40%, Towarowa – 25%. These data confirm the actual development of Rumia’s spatial layout, the basis of which was provided by two villages and the construction of the Airport, White River, Janow, and Szmelty. The Towarowa subarea is the result of further expansion of urbanized areas, the percentage of old buildings is much smaller. The sub-areas contain communal housing stock with mainly social functions. The largest number of communal housing units is located in Zagórze. In other sub-areas, the number of municipal and social housing units is much lower. The technical condition of the buildings containing municipal housing units is very different. Refurbishment needs include common parts of buildings – facades, stairwells, basements, roofs, etc. Except for improving the safety and aesthetics parts of buildings, a major challenge is to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, which gives savings over years. Besides of need for renovation and reconstruction of the communal resource, another challenge concerns: living conditions in the revitalisation area (especially in Zagórze), better development of public spaces, which would improve the aesthetics of the neighborhood, and social integration of residents.
Main revitalisation activities
the revitalization area of Rumia city consists of three areas with quite different histories, different characteristics, and problems. On the one hand, it covers areas with various problems and, on the other hand, it locates many facilities and sites that are important for the city and have many potentials. As a result of the diagnosis, the Municipal Revitalization Program defines:
1. strategic goal: Active citizens living in a socially integrated and spatially coherent city.
2. objectives:
– GOAL 1: modern public services for families and disadvantaged groups;
– GOAL 2: Active residents, social integration, and better living conditions in the revitalization area;
– OBJECTIVE 3: Spatial and economic cohesion of Rumia city;
– Special Revitalisation Zone (SRZ)
Establishment & tools for Special Revitalisation Zone (SRZ)
- Date of establishing the SSR: 02.03.2022.
- Area of the SSR: Regarding the Resolution No. XXXV/492/2021 of the Rumia City Council dated December 16, 2021, changing Resolution No. XV/203/2019 of the Rumia City Council dated December 12, 2019, changing Resolution No. XXXV/445/2017 dated May 25, 2017. on the adoption of the Municipal Revitalization Program of the Municipality of Rumia for 2017-2030 is established in the entire revitalisation area of Rumia, designated by Resolution No. XXIV/241/2016 of the Rumia City Council of May 19, 2016, changing by Resolution No. XXV/246/2016 of June 30, 2016, Special Revitalisation Zone, as the Zone.
- Tools indicated in the SSR: The zone is established to ensure efficient implementation of revitalisation projects, as referred to in Article.15 (1) (5) of the Revitalization Act of October 9, 2015.
- Level of co-financing in the SSR: 50% – works regarding the Act without specification.
- Procedure for the call of grants in the SRZ: lack of information
- Deadline for submitting grant applications to SRZ: lack of information
- Composition of the evaluation committee: lack of information
- Number of announced calls for applications: none
- Number of subsidies awarded in individual calls: none
- Link to the resolution on the SSR: Resolution No. XXXVII/518/2022 of the Rumia City Council of February 3, 2022 on the establishment of a Special Revitalisation Zone in the revitalization area in Rumia