Period of revitalisation activities
Revitalisation activities are carried out on the basis of the Municipal Revitalization Program of Malczyce for 2016-2022, established by Resolution No. Nr XXXV/191/2017 of the Malczyce City Council on April 25, 2017. The Municipal Revitalization Program is the basic document for carrying out revitalisation in the municipality. Program was developed for the regeneration area designated by Resolution No. XXXV/191/2017 of April 25, 2017 on the designation of the degraded area and the revitalization area. As a result of the diagnosis of degraded areas in terms of the particular concentration of negative phenomena was delimited. The regeneration area represents a percentage of 0,86% of the municipality’s area and are inhabited by 25.72% of the municipality’s population.
Characteristics of the revitalisation area problems
- Social sphere
The regeneration area is an area with a relatively high percentage of their citizens aged 65 years and over as well. – the share of people in the non-working age in the revitalisation area is 21.14% and is 4.5 points higher than in the entire commune. Another very important social problem is unemployment. According to the data from 2015, 196 people were registered as unemployed in the commune, and almost 30% of them live in the revitalisation area.
Additionally, the analysis of the ratio of people benefiting from the support of the municipal social assistance center brings disturbing conclusions – every second person benefiting from this support lives in the revitalised area. However, the share of these people in relation to the population in the revitalised area amounts almost to 5%, compared to 3.5% for the area of the commune.
The high share of people using social assistance due to unemployment and disability results mainly from the poverty of the society observed in recent years, which is the result of the accumulated problems on the labor market, the decline in activity, and discouragement of inhabitants or the so-called inheriting poverty.
The accumulation of various types of negative social phenomena is conducive to the increase in crime in degraded and regeneration areas. These phenomena are reflected in the increase in the number of criminal offenses – in the regeneration area, in 2015 crimes were committed 3 times more often than in the entire commune. This situation causes a general lack of a sense of security.
Undoubtedly, in the degraded area and regeneration area, there is an accumulation of socially negative phenomena. A delimited area is characterized not only by an extremely negative accumulation of crisis phenomena, but also by a spatially separated area that aspires to create a coherent system of functional connections in the following areas: social, geographic, spatial, and economic.
- Spatial and functional sphere
The revitalisation area, despite its central location, is characterized by an insufficient number of out-of-school playgrounds. Playgrounds, as well as other recreational areas such as parks and green spaces, are an important point on the map of social integration. In addition to their recreational role, they often play an educational role. In the revitalisation area, there are only 2 playgrounds outside of the school areas. Another problem of the described revitalisation area is the low quality of public areas, which discourages the use, residence, or business. Low aesthetics of public spaces negatively affects the image of the Municipality. Another problem is the inadequacy of spaces to meet the needs of people who require special support, i.e. people with disabilities and the elderly. Adapting public spaces to the needs of these groups, will raise the quality of life of residents and will affect the sense of security. The parking spaces located in the revitalisation area do not always meet safety standards. Stakeholders also point to their insufficient number.
- Environmental sphere
In the Municipality of Malczyce there is a sector of residential buildings with a high percentage of carbon fuels used for heating. In addition, the existence of wild garbage dumps is shown, which pose a particular threat to the environment and humans.
- Economic sphere
Among the negative economic phenomena in the Malczyce Municipality, insufficient activity among entrepreneurs and the short lifespan of newly established businesses are indicated. In 2015, 136 business entities were registered in the municipality, including 24 in the revitalized area, which is more than 17% of the total. The data also confirms the short duration of business, as much as 33% of enterprises in the area identified for revitalization were deregistered. Another problem is the lack of cooperation among entrepreneurs who could jointly create an economic offer, as well as an insufficient number of attractive jobs, which contributes to the fact that young residents decide to leave the Malczyce Municipality.
Description of the revitalisation area development character
The data indicate a significant concentration of municipal buildings and apartments in the revitalization area, which is associated with the existence of repair and modernization needs. In the revitalization area are located 35 residential buildings with municipal participation from before 1945, which accounts for 60% of the total stock of municipal housing. The rate for the number of communal housing units in the revitalized area is 11%, compared to the rate for the municipal area of 2.58%. Also, the number of apartments without access to technical and sanitary facilities is much higher in the revitalization area (2%) than in the municipality (0.42%). Another concern is the technical condition of the buildings, more than half of the residential buildings located in the revitalization area require thermal modernization.
Main revitalisation activities
The revitalization program envisages a number of projects aimed at upgrading buildings in poor technical conditions, including those under conservation protection. These projects are aimed not only at improving housing standards but also at increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. An additional plan is to develop the space around the residential buildings. The revitalization program also envisages improvements in social infrastructure, including the modernization of the village community center, as well as the adaptation of the degraded PKP building into a library. As part of complementary projects, the activation of excluded and elderly people is planned.
In the perspective of the coming years, the Malczyce Commune, thanks to systematic and consistent development of the area indicated for revitalization, will become a friendly and attractive place for residents to live:
- places will be created to integrate the residents of the Municipality, where they will be able to spend their leisure time, develop their interests and relax;
- the aesthetics and functionality of the area will be raised so that it will be easier to implement and develop social functions in the area;
- systems will be created for the active inclusion of institutions and organizations from the third sector in the social life of the Municipality.
Establishment & tools for Special Revitalisation Zone (SRZ)
- Date of establishing the SSR: 2019 r.
- Area of the SSR: revitalisation area designated by Resolution No. XXXV/191/2017 of the Malczyce Commune Council of 25 April 2017
- Tools indicated in the SSR: subsidies for construction works consisting of renovation or reconstruction, and for conservation and restoration works in buildings not entered in the register of monuments for owners or perpetual users of real estate located in the SSR
- Level of co-financing in the SSR: The subsidy may be provided in an amount not exceeding 50% of the necessary investments.
- Procedure for the call of grants in the SRZ: 21 days before the date of recruitment; publication in the local press, on the website and on the authority’s bulletin boards
- Deadline for submitting grant applications to SRZ: August 30 of the year preceding the conduct of works.
- Composition of the evaluation committee: employees of departments of the Malczyce Commune Office
- Rules for the adjudication of the call for proposals for a grant in the SRZ: The call is settled after when the Malczyce Commune Council adopts the budget.
- Number of announced calls for applications: 2
- Number of subsidies awarded in individual calls: 2021 – 2, 2022 – 3
- Link to the resolution on the SSR: Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Dolnośląskiego (duw.pl)
- Link to the publication promoting the SSR prepared by the city: Nabór wniosków 2020 – rozstrzygnięty (malczyce.wroc.pl).