Characteristics of the revitalisation area problems
• Social sphere
A number of problems in the social sphere can be identified in the Revitalisation Area (OR, area) in the municipality of Polkowice (municipality). The available statistical data as well as the results of surveys and workshops show that in the analysed area there are threats related to the economic condition of households. As the result of poverty and other negative phenomena accompanying it, the OR residents are at risk of social exclusion. A noticeable problem in the area is also addiction to alcohol and drugs. The importance of this problem was confirmed by the results of the workshops and surveys.
• Infrastructural sphere (including environmental, spatial-functional and technical spheres)
According to the survey, over 30% of the revitalisation area inhabitants believe the area to be neglected. Their opinion is based on the assessment of the technical, social, recreational, road and housing infrastructure condition.
The condition of social infrastructure is of the key importance for the analysis of the infrastructural sphere as it’s particularly important for the residents’ integration. Unfortunately, the conducted research showed that the inhabitants of the area are not satisfied with its condition. A particularly significant problem is the lack of places for care for seniors and people with disabilities as well as existence of architectural barriers.
The revitalised area also features an accumulation of problems related to condition and functioning of public spaces. This situation is the result of the degradation of public areas intended for the needs of the inhabitants. The respondents indicated, among others, the limited availability of playgrounds and green areas. The unfavourable image of public spaces is undoubtedly influenced by poor technical condition of historic buildings, including, in particular, the 19th-century Dutch windmill.
When analysing the infrastructural sphere, it is important to assess its relations with the natural environment. Flats often require modernisation. The age of buildings (flats) is related to the outdated heating system problem. Residents often use for heat solid fuels burnt in individual coal boilers. Additionally, due to high fuel costs, some inhabitants use low-quality fuel for heating. The above-described situation is conducive to low emissions and has a negative impact on the condition of the natural environment in the area.
The partly unsatisfactory condition of the sewage infrastructure and shortages of gas infrastructure in rural areas have also negative impact on the natural environment.
• Technical sphere
The revitalisation area is technically unique, as it fully covers the historic urban layout of the city, considered a historic monument. In this area, the average age of buildings exceeds 100 years, and their technical condition is rather bad with a large share of old carbon heating systems and low energy efficiency resulting in large heat losses.
The main threat in the analysed aspect is a poor technical building conditions, including residential ones, which is perceived as the main development problem by all respondents. It should be emphasised that the urban regeneration area is characterised by significant differences in the state. A progressive concentration of the buildings in the worst technical condition in some area quarters should be considered as particularly dangerous. Another challenge for technical activities in the area is a large share of protected historic buildings, which restricts the freedom of investment activities and increases their costs.
• Economic sphere
Polkowice has a well-developed industry (including KGHM), generating well-paid jobs, which does not encourage residents to take the risks associated with running a business.
Description of the revitalisation area development character
Mainly blocks of flats, housing cooperative “CUPRUM”.
Establishment & tools for Special Revitalisation Zone
- Date of establishing the SSR: 2018
- Area of the SSR: the area of revitalisation designated by Resolution No. XXVIII / 420/18 of April 17, 2018.
http://g.ekspert.infor.pl/p/_dane/akty_pdf/U70/2018/83/2329.pdf#zoom=90 - Tools indicated in the SSR: subsidies for construction works consisting of renovation or reconstruction, and for conservation and restoration works for buildings not entered in the register of monuments for owners or perpetual users of real estate located in the SSR
- Level of co-financing in the SSR: 50% without any additional details
- Number of announced application calls: 4
- Number of subsidies awarded in respective calls: 2019 – 2, 2020 – 1, 2021 – 4, 2022 – 1
- Link to the resolution on the SSR: http://g.ekspert.infor.pl/p/_dane/akty_pdf/U70/2018/173/4235.pdf#zoom=90