Characteristics of the revitalisation area problems
• Social sphere
Due to very low unemployment and poverty levels, the city as a whole is characterised by a low level of social pathologies, however, these phenomena are intense in the urban regeneration area.
The city of Świnoujście is characterised by a fairly high level of social capital, as evidenced by a high turnout in the parliamentary elections in 2015 (50.59%), far exceeding the average in the West Pomeranian region. However, the level of social capital is highly diversified spatially, a particularly unfavourable situation in this respect is in the Karsibór area, and, to a lesser extent, in Warszów and in the central part of the city.
• Spatial and functional sphere
The technical and social infrastructure is the least developed outside the city centre, so this problem mainly occurs in Karsibór and Warszów. The concentration of social housing in one area causes many negative social and economic phenomena.
Insufficient parking spaces and poor quality roads require works and renovation. In each of the revitalisation areas, the residents indicated places that require renovation of infrastructure. In their opinion, the number of car parks in the Warszów district is insufficient, sidewalks and residential roads are in poor condition, making it impossible for the elderly or disabled to move around. Illegal landfills in undeveloped areas were also mentioned.
In turn, in the Karsibór disctict, which is an island, the most important problem, from the residents’ point of view, is the main road crossing the built-up area, i.e. 1 Maja Street. It is in bad technical condition, and there is no sidewalk or roadsides that would allow pedestrians or cyclists to move safely. The narrow road and the lack of car parks make it difficult for both pedestrians and motorists to move around the island. Unattractive summer houses from the 1960s and 1970s make access to water difficult, and illegal landfills appear on unused lots. A significant problem for the Karsibór inhabitants is the poor municipal infrastructure, i.e. the lack of sewage, heat and gas networks.
Attention was also drawn to the fact that while the city of Świnoujście is characterised by a good road quality – the quality of roads in the central part of the city and in the Seaside District is considered as good or very good, roads in the remaining parts of the city require significant renovation.
• Technical sphere
The city of Świnoujście is characterised by a significant share of residential buildings built before 1970 in the total number of residential buildings (43.5%). Most of such buildings are located in the Warszów (near Barlickiego Street) and Karsibór districts, as well as in the city centre. The following streets are particularly unfavourable in this regard: Barkowa, Krzywoustego, Wierzbowa, Reja, Grodzka, Rybaki, Batalionów Chłopskie, Narutowicza, Staszica, Poznańska, Bema and Bunkrowa. The technical condition of a large part of the residential buildings is good, as most of them have been renovated since the end of the 1990s. However, there are still buildings which, along with their immediate surroundings, require modernisation for improving their aesthetics and energy efficiency.
The city of Świnoujście features low saturation with cultural heritage buildings, as evidenced by a small number of historic buildings per 10,000 inhabitants (48.9). However, most of them are located in the central part of the city, the Seaside District, and in Warszów, i.e. in the revitalisation area.
The main area technical problems are therefore: a significant share of residential buildings built before 1970 (43.5%), especially in Warszów (near Barlickiego Street) and Karsibór, as well as the concentration of historic buildings that require constant renovation in central part of the city.
• Environmental sphere
The city of Świnoujście, as a health resort as well as the revitalisation area itself, are in a favourable situation in terms of the quality of the environment. In the city, there are practically no environmental problems, typical for many Polish cities, such as: hazardous waste, soil contamination, surface water pollution, and underground and air pollution. However, within the city, there are certain areas where environmental indicators are lower. The local deterioration of the environment quality in these zones, like in the revitalisation area, is influenced by the presence of port and storage areas, especially in the area of bulk material handling; industrial plants located in these places; quite significant road traffic, concentrated along the main routes; railway Szczecin-Świnoujście, which is of great importance for freight transport, together with the accompanying railway infrastructure. A big problem of the city are traffic jams, formed during rush hours and in the high season, compounded by a ferry crossing between the islands of Wolin and Usedom. Main streets passing through the central part of the city feature also a significant traffic volume. Moreover, it is worth noting that road traffic is one of the main sources of noise in the city.
Description of the revitalisation area development character
The city of Świnoujście is characterised by a significant share of residential buildings built before 1970 in the total number of residential buildings (43.5%). The greatest number of such buildings is located in Warszów (near Barlickiego Street) and Karsibór, and in the city centre. The technical condition of a large part of the residential buildings is good, as most of them have been renovated since the end of the 1990s. However, there are still buildings which, along with their immediate surroundings, require modernisation to improve their aesthetics and energy efficiency.
Main revitalisation activities
31 main urban regeneration projects have been planned, including:
- revitalisation of the historic railway station, intended for the Cultural Centre “Stacja KULTURA”, along with the development of the adjacent area;
- establishing and running a day support facility for children and adolescents from the area of Krzywa, Grunwaldzka Streets, the so-called western estate;
- social and professional activation of seniors and socially excluded people, by adapting the rooms at 13 Armii Krajowej Street for a hostel;
- strengthening the development of the Karsibór island capacities based on valuable natural and cultural values by the construction of a canoe harbour there;
- construction of a stationary hospice in Świnoujście;
- creating sheltered accommodation for people with intellectual disabilities;
- construction of residential building complex serving the development of social rental housing;
Establishment & tools for Special Revitalisation Zone
- Date of establishing the SSR: 2019
- Area of the SRZ: sub-areas designated by Resolution No. X/94/2019 of the City Council of Świnoujście of 25 April 2019. OR-1 Centre and OR-3 Warszów
Resolution XII/104/2019 is an amending resolution to Resolution No. X/94/2019 of the City Council of Świnoujście of 25 April 2019. http://g.ekspert.infor.pl/p/_dane/akty_pdf/U83/2019/119/3623.pdf#zoom=90 - Tools indicated in the SSR: subsidies for construction work consisting in renovation or reconstruction, and for conservation and restoration work in buildings not entered in the register of monuments for owners or perpetual users of real estate located in the SRZ
- The level of co-financing of expenditures: up to 50% without any additional details
- Financed necessary works: works provided for in the Act without further specification
- Procedure for the call for proposals for grants in the SRZ: no call is foreseen, fixed schedule for submission of applications
- Deadline for submitting grant applications to SRZ: 31 August of the year preceding the works.
- Composition of the Evaluation Committee: appointed by order.
- Principles of adjudicating the call for grant applications in SRZ: After formal verification, the committee prepares factual opinions and presents them to the President, who, on this basis, applies to the City Council for the award of a grant. Applicants are informed in writing regarding the awarding of grants. There is no possibility of an additional call for proposals if the grant is not used.
- Number of announced calls for applications: none
- Number of subsidies awarded in individual calls: none
- Link to the resolution on the SRZ:
http://e-dziennik.szczecin.uw.gov.pl/legalact/2019/3623/ - Link to the publication promoting the SSR prepared by the city:
http://bip.um.swinoujscie.pl/sprawa-do-zalatwia/29434/udzielanie-dotacji-na-remonty-i-przebudowe-obiektow-polozonych-na-obkieta- special-zone-revitalization